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Without appointment, nobody under 16 is permitted in the shop. We will not pierce anyone under 10 years old under any circumstances.
You will be asked to leave if you bring small children into the shop.


Our requirements for children are as follows with no exceptions. Please read entirely as we will refuse service if any of these conditions are not met.

-Child must be well behaved, able to pay attention and follow directions, the piercing must be something the child themselves wants without
parental pressure

-Appointment Required

-Must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian

-Birth certificate

-State or Federal ID for Guardian 

-Some sort of formal photo ID for child (School, yearbook, state, federal, etc)

-No other minors should be with you at the time of the appointment.

-No large groups of friends, typically best to have 1 on 1 with parent, client, and myself.

-We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at our discretion.

-We have a 30 dollar set up fee if the child refuses to be pierced after items are sterilized and set up.

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